Our councillors

Name Position Address Contact Number
Mr David Young
17 Bell Crescent, Burham
Mr Bill Stead
Vice Chair
109 Rochester Road, Burham
01634 682036
Ms Julia Bell
41 Church Street, Burham
Mrs Carole Barritt
6 Haleys Place, Burham
01634 687314
Mr S Sangha
Goodwinson Cottage, St Mary’s View Burham
07828 424377
Ms Hilary Cooke
13 St Mary’s Walk
07922 164347
Mr Nick Krauspe
127 Rochester Rd, Burham
0779 0264267
Ms Pam Saunders
Parish Clerk
The Parish Office Rochester Road, Burham Kent ME1 3RJ
01634 685936
Mr Roger Dalton
Borough Councillor
13 Bell Crescent, Burham
01634 867281
Mr Dave Davis
Borough Councillor
132 Rochester Road, Burham
01634 869650
Mr Alex McDermott
Mr Andrew Kennedy
County Councillor
07792 924820
Tristan Osborne
Member Of Parliament
House of Commons London. SW1A OAA

Check out your councillors outside of Burham


Notification of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (NDPI) Forms for our Councillors can be viewed here

Walks & Wildlife

Burham village is surrounded by beautiful countryside, the North Downs & the River Medway offering easy access via the many bridle ways and footpaths to walking, cycling and horse riding.


In the area surrounding Burham village there is a wealth of flora and fauna and Kent Wildlife Trust is doing much work to enhance the wildlife, plants & flowers.

For more information and the Kent Wildlife Trust website click here.



Burham Football Club – the Club closed at the end of December 2021

The Club was formed in 2003 and there are 2 adult teams and 2 teams for youngsters.

The Club now has its own changing facilities at the Old School Community Centre.

Contact:    Paul (Fitz) Fitzpatrick 07805 198937

Burham Baton Twirlers

Held in the Village Hall every other Thursday 4.15 pm – 6.30pm.

Contact:    Lyn Robinson        07729 373558

Duet Dance School

This club, established 14 yrs ago, currently has approximately 50 members and meets on a Wednesday 3.30 pm – 7.00 pm at the Old School Community Centre

Contact:    Julie Potter 01634 241171/ Hayley Mann  07834 780669      [email protected]

Book Exchange

1st Friday in the month, at the Old School Community Centre, 10.30am -12.00. Contact: Eileen Smith  (01634) 867022

Film Club

No longer running

Short Mat Bowls Club

The Club was established 15 years ago and has 30 members.
The Club is open to all adult age groups and meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings in the Village Hall 7.30 pm – 10.00 pm.
Contact:  Irene Benton 01634 867466

Burham Blue Belles Dance School

This was established in 1990 and meets at the Community Centre on Saturday mornings, 9.30 am – 12 noon, offering classes in ballet, tap and street dance and following the British Ballet Organisation syllabus.  It is open to children aged 3 yrs and above.
Contact:    Awaiting Details

Thursday Community Club

This is an informal get-together, meeting in the Community Centre 10.30 – 12 noon, with tea/coffee and cakes.  Hi Kent Hearing Clinic attends once a month and there are sometimes outside speakers, including the Community Warden and Police Community Support Officer.
Contact:  Anne Taylor  (01634) 684927

Bear Paws Quilters

The Club meets at the Community Centre twice a month on Wednesday evening, 7.30 pm -10.00 pm. There are approximately 30 members, covering all adult age groups.
Contact: Janet Kopp  (01634) 375706

Burham & Wouldham Book Club

Meet every third Wednesday of the month at the Windmill Pub at 7.30 pm to discuss the book received the previous month. Books are chosen by the librarian in Allington, so we have a surprise and different genre and authors monthly.
Contact: Gwen Worcester  07854400506

Force Medway Group

This is a self-defence group for all ages held in the Village Hall on:
Wednesday 6pm -7.15 pm
Friday 6pm – 8.30pm.
Contact:    Stuart or Lorraine Lowe    (01634) 862943, 07557 906249 or click here for more details.

Burham Sure Start Centre

Burham’s Centre has now closed. Please call the number below for further information. We offer the following services to children and families:
*A variety of play sessions and groups for children aged 0-5 years.
*Courses and groups for parents/carers including adult education courses and ante-natal and post natal groups.
*Help for parents to access family support and health services.
*Support for parents who are looking for work or training.
All of our sessions and groups are free of charge (unless otherwise stated) and some include a free healthy snack and drink for your child, so please take a look at what we have to offer your family and come along and see us.
Abbie Restell is happy to help with any information on 03000 418008

Burham Music Hall

This was formed in the early 1970’s. 4 shows are produced over two weekends in March.
All the performers are non-professional and the shows include sketches, musical numbers and solos.

Contact:            (01634) 

Burham Parish Council Allotments

Full or half allotments (plots) are often available to rent within the village, for more information

Contact:    Dave Young 07719854538     

Women’s Institute

The WI meets on the third Tuesday of each month, at the Village Hall. There is a programme of outside speakers.  The WI has been established 25 years.
Contact:    Eileen Smith        (01634) 867022

Burham United Charities

Burham United Charities are a local charitable organisation that provides assistance to those in need living within the old parish boundaries (ie Burham Village and parts of Blue Bell Hill).
Every year the Charity gives grants towards the Winter Fuel costs of retired villagers on restricted incomes.
They can also offer one off grants to help alleviate particular instances of hardship for any resident of the parish.
Parents of school age children may obtain help with some of the costs associated with schooling.
If you, are someone you know, is on a low income or has an exceptional need which is not provided for by Welfare Benefits, we may be able to help.
Contact: Dave Young (07719854538) or Roger Kiralfy (01634 869900)

Country Lunch

This is held once a month at 12.45 p.m. in the Old School Community Centre, usually the third Thursday in the month.  A simple meal of homemade soup, bread, cheese, apple crumble and tea/coffee is served for £3.00. The lunch is open to all.
Contact: Eileen Smith  (01634) 867022

Afternoon Tea

No longer running

Messy Church

Held on special occasions at various locationsTo welcome children and families with activities and fun and to learn about God’s world.Contact:  Rod Murr  (01634) 868075

Burham Meeting Place

No longer running


A brief history of Burham

The history of Burham can be traced to Roman times. AD43 saw the Battle of the Medway at the crossing point on the River Medway, where Burham is now, when the invading Roman legions, advancing west across Kent, were confronted by a massed army of the ancient British tribes. 

The Roman victory altered the course of history in Britain, and the remains of Roman buildings have been found in Burham and the neighbouring village of Eccles.

There has been a Settlement in Burham since Saxon times, “ham” being the Saxon word for “settlement” — the “Bur” part of the name comes from “burgh”, or borough, referring to the borough of Rochester. The name “Burham” means “the village near the borough”.

In the 11th century Burham belonged to Leofwine Godwinson, brother of King Harold. He was killed along with his brother at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.It is listed as having six sulings (about 240 acres) of land. There were two major farms, 15 “villeins” each farming 30 acres (120,000 m2) and 20 “borderers” each farming about 5 acres (20,000 m2). There was a church and a mill with woodland sufficient to support 20 hogs.

By 1841 the village’s population had grown to 380 and increased to a maximum of 1,725 in 1901. Today it is about 1,300.
In July 1998, the Kent Air Ambulance helicopter, returning from an emergency call in Rochester, crashed in woodland near Burham, after hitting power lines. All three crew — the pilot and two paramedics — were killed.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Historical infomation requests

Contact: Michael Boozer [email protected]

St Mary's Church, Burham

The medieval church of St Mary is now redundant and stands on the riverbank close to the old river Medway crossing, it dates back to the 1200’s. The original village was sited around Old St Mary’s Church close to the river crossing to Snodland.  It is usually open during the day. Occasional services are held there and advertised in the Parish Magazine which is attached to this website.  This now redundant church is maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust (formerly known as the Redundant Churches Trust) having been saved from dereliction by the Friends of Friendless Churches in the 1950s. With the development of the chalk pits, which supplied the raw materials for the extensive cement works (now long since closed), the present village was developed in the mid nineteenth century.

Cement Village

About 1830 Burham became a “cement village” on the Medway, after the discovery of the manufacturing technique for Portland Cement (so called because of its resemblance to Portland stone). (Source: Wikipedia)


Happy House (Chinese Takeaway)    (01634) 668326

Public Houses/Restaurants: The Robin Hood  (01634) 861500
The Butcher’s Block  (01634) 786626

The Windmill  (01634) 394882

Details of other businesses & services operating in the village can be found in your free monthly parish magazine, delivered to your door & also available online if you check out our magazines page.

Frost’s Service Station & Shop  (01634) 861228

Vale Bakery  (01634) 861572



Bolly aka Mrs Good Cod – Mobile Fish and Chips.  At the Village Hall overflow car park (Rochester Rd)  every Wednesday 4.30 – 8.00 pm

Contact Bolly to pre-order on 078401 81091

Street Farm Livery and Stables  (01634) 861339

Arkadia Accounting Services  (01634) 869900 – now closed due to retirement